Cash flow how influence you’re financial status

Cash flow how to influence you’re financial status

Cash flow how to influence your financial status. Why I choose this topic because recently I read a book, I gather more pieces of information from there .so I thought I want to share with you something. First of all, you need to understand cash flow. cash flow includes cash inflow and outflow. Cash came into the business is called inflow, cash goes out from the business is called outflow. If you’re a businessman or you’re going to do any business? definitely, you have to know about cash flow. You have to understand some basics about this because your profit and loss depend on this cash flow statement. You can control your unwanted costs from this statement. And also You can understand your company's financial status from this.


Cashflow quadrant

This content I inspired from Robert Kiyosaki's  ‘CASHFLOW QUADRANT’ Book. Here author said about some group of peoples. Here author dividing peoples into four sets of groups.

1. Employees

The majority of peoples are being an employee, these employees are doing their work for monthly salary, and also securing their job. So, they will work hard for that organization, this is the first group of peoples.

2. Self-employees

Self-employees are the second group of peoples, the major difference between the first group and the second group of people. Here all the owners, they are being an own boss, this is a major difference here, so they are working for their own purposes.

3. Business owners

Business owners here have the major difference from their 2 sets of peoples because the business owners are making job opportunities for others and making money from there.

4. Investors

Investors are the fourth group of peoples they are investing money in Financial markets or any business organization’s when the organization will grow more also that investment returns will grow.

Here have some connections with these four groups, the investors and business owners are making opportunities for self-employees and employees. This is the process that is happening in actually in business,but most of the persons didn’t understand that. Why because most of the employees can't think about investing and starting a new business. The lack of financial knowledge is a major mistake for every emploeeys.

If you want to shift from the first and second groups to the other two groups? Definitely, you have Financial knowledge, then only you can achieve that status.


How to improve financial knowledge

If you want becoming a rich or billionaire definitely you have to improve your financial knowledge then only you can understand about financial market, then only you can invest in the stock market, etc. the lack of financial knowledge is the biggest fault four everyone doesn’t do that mistake. I will share with you some key points to you

·      Read Financial related books

·      Observe financial markets

·      Read business news

·      Collect financial news

·      Use your opportunities

·      Start your own business

·      Try to invest


Use these key points for improving your financial knowledge.



 Risk taking is the next important one for becoming a businessman, investing or anything. we can’t avoid risks anywhere, that risks you have to manage then only you can achieve your dream.


Change your mindset

Change your normal mindset to a financial mindset. You have to improve your financial knowledge. if you are going to start any business or invest money into the stock market or mutual fund schemes. Definitely, you have to improve your financial knowledge, and you have to change your mindset. Here have a lot of opportunities for improving financial knowledge, you have to use that’s opportunities. First of all, you have to decide for your developments. Try to invest, start your own business and make opportunities for yourself.




 I hope you understand some basics things about cash flows. Try to make opportunities, and take some risks, change your mindset, and improve your financial knowledge, then automatically your financial status will grow higher.


I hope this blog will help you




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