How Assets and liabilities change your financial status


How Assets and liabilities change your financial status



     How assets and liabilities change your financial status. Why I choose this topic because this is my inspirable content. So, I thought I want to share this content with you all. Who has good knowledge about assets and liability? This Two topics can’t exclude from Accounts and your life, because you all know how important money. Except money can’t survive anywhere so,  money is an important tool of life. You all know how money play’s an important role in life. I’m asking you all who have good knowledge about assets? Why I’m asking because who have good knowledge about Asset, he knows how to handle money. some peoples know how to make money but they don’t know about how to handle. Who knows how to handle money maybe he will become Rich, I Have to explain some contents.


Assets and Liability

You should have good knowledge about assets and liability. What is the asset? Asset means nothing which thing is to generate money which is called an asset. which thing make goes out money from your pocket which is called liability. I give you an example. Just think you have an own villa which means that is a liability. but your villa is given for the rent, that is an asset. Why because in the first case you don’t have any monetary benefit from that, but the second case generates money from there. So, assets always generate money but liability always make debts. So, understand the difference between Asset and liability. Make assets make money.

Invest to asset 

Here you should know about investment. Before investing somewhere you should have good knowledge about investing. Now you have confusion about where I have to invest. Most people don’t know this technique. If you are decided on investing you can choose Real-Estates, stock markets, etc. investment will grow your monetary level and you’ll get good knowledge about investing. If you invest in assets, that will always generate your funds.

Should start your own business  

You should start your own business. Why am saying this because if you start your own business automatically you can understand how to invest, how to handle money, how to increase asset value, and You will get practical knowledge from there?.

Cash inflow and outflow

If you have any business or if you have any idea to do any business, you should have aware of cash flows. Cash flow is nothing – cash came into your business it’s called inflow of cash. cash goes out from your business it’s called outflow. so you should control your outflows, and try to create inflows of funds. because inflows are good nature for your business. So, focus on your inflows of cash.


                                                        I hope you all understand about how to handle money, From this blog.   



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