How cryptocurrency growing your financial status


How cryptocurrency growing your financial status

How cryptocurrency growing your financial status, why I choose this topic because most people have no idea about cryptocurrency. So, I thought I want to share this with you, I’m going to share with you what is cryptocurrency, how it works, its advantages, etc.  The cryptocurrency was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto. Here you have to know about Bitcoin many peoples heard already, that bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency it is a digital currency you can transfer this currency to any country its a very big plus point for bitcoin. There is no owner for bitcoin and its value will fluctuate always. This is based on demand, when demand will increase the value of bitcoin will be increased, when demand will decrease the value will decrease. Some countries are banned cryptocurrency but it’s legal.  I will explain more about this bitcoin.  


Cryptocurrency vs normal currency

The major difference between cryptocurrency and normal currency is Cryptocurrency is a digital currency you cant touch but it has value. The normal currency you know that we are using daily so I don’t want to explain about that.




A Bitcoin is a digital currency you can transfer this currency to any country. This is very valuable, the demontaraisation will not affect this cuurency he is a very big advantage for bitcoin. The value of bitcoin will fluctuate always so sometimes the value of bitcoin will increase some time will decrease. It is based on demand, the demand when increases for bitcoin the time value will be increase automatically. In the future, there is have more scope for this bitcoin. So keep in your mind.


How bitcoin works

How bitcoin works how to get this, this is a common question for all, bitcoin works like digital cash. For example, if you want to transfer money into another account you have to communicate with your bank, so there the bank works as a middle person for your transaction and you have to pay the certain charge for that.There is have an expense for your transaction. At the same time the in cryptocurrency there is no middle person only sender and receiver  including this transaction.

How to get bitcoin

How to get bitcoin, this is maybe you will not understand so read carefully. Bitcoin is digital cash you already know that getting bitcoin is not an easy thing here have some technical problems. There is have two ways for getting bitcoin one is you can buy normally you can buy bitcoin normally through paying system. How much bitcoin did you want you can pay money for the bitcoin then you can buy that This is normal thing. There is have a second way for getting bitcoin that is mining you have to solve a puzzle or the toughest mathematical problems this is a blockchain process. How much faster you solve then you will get one bitcoin. This is not an easy thing there is a need  good algoritham and mathematical knowledge. The miners are done this by using special computers and networks. So common people cant mine it's not a practical way.


It is an Investment

Bitcoin is an investment You can invest like a stock market, mutual funds it is a good thing because there is have more scope in the future so investing is a good idea. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency small investments always good. Why because don’t take more risk. It is profitable for both professionals and beginners.



It is a secure process you don’t want to worry about that. bitcoins always a very secure currency.


Cryptocurrency is very volatile because any time the value will increase or decrease so this is a volatile system.

Future of bitcoin

Maybe in the future, the bitcoin will be made as cash equivalence, so there is have more future for this. And it is also have low risk compared with traditional currency.  

This content i got from cryptocurrency book. if you want  buy this book I shared the link into side bar of this site.  

I hope this blog will help you 



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