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How to make good habits on part of life


How to make good habits on part of life



How to make good habits on part of life, why I choose this because recently I read a book I’m very inspired from that, I thought I want to share this with you. we all human beings have some kind of bad habits, anything like smoking or any kind of bad habits if you want to stop ? That technique I going to share with you. you had already tried that maybe, sometimes you faced failures, it’s just common don’t worry about that, first of all, I have to say congratulation to you, I will tell you why I said this congratulation for you. why did you fail? Because you’re in the process of eliminating the bad habit. Failure is good because that failure will teach you more. If you want to quit smoking or any bad habit, first of all, you have to promise to yourself, “I have to change I want to quit that”. This is the promise, you all have to do that. Failure is the first step to keep in mind.


How to build habits

How to build habits is the common confusion of all. What thing you are repeating to do, that will create as a habit, for example, if you want good physic, you have to work out daily, and you should follow the diet. This is the process this process has to continue in the long - term then only you will get your best result. This has to follow in any kind of habit-making. First, you have to fix your goal then you have to work for that, give your best level you will get a good result.

Be a patient

Be patient because results will get you more later, habit making is the process so you have to wait for that time it will take time, till you have to work for that. If you want to make a good habit, be calm. Bad habit creation is easier but at the same time that bad one, if you want to eliminate that, is the very toughest thing. So, don’t be very lazy, any kind of trouble you have to overcome. So be a patient change will take much time, believe in yourself, keep in mind your goal.


Focus only on the process

focus only on your process, not on your goal. If you want to bodybuilder don’t focus on your bodybuilder dream, focus on the only process for that, focus on your diet, focus on only workouts, process is the way that way have to clear first. Try to make. Focus only on your process always which will give you a great result.


Be your  own coach

Always be your own coach, do you know your best motivator? That’s you. You are the best coach for your self. coach is always motivates the sportsmen that technique you have to do that, you have to motivate yourself, then you have to test yourself, why I’m saying because that’s will help for making good habits. For example, if you want to quit smoke, that’s not an easy thing but you can make it easier than through your mindset. Always motivate yourself, if you fail in this process give punishment for you.

For example, if want to lose weight you have to follow the diet, if you have eaten some snacks, you should do10 pushups more tomorrow in your work out. This kind of little punishment always good for making good habits   


 Try to make new habits

Try to make new habits like book reading, photography, etc. this type of habits will help for eliminating bad ones. So, try to do something new things. Book reading is always good I suggest you self - development books. This content is also inspired by one book by James clear’s ‘ATOMIC HABITS’ this book covers how to build good habits and how to eliminate bad ones’ author clearly said that. I suggest this book to you all.



How to eliminate bad ones

Eliminating bad habits can make it easy through repeated which thing you have to do repeatedly  it will make it as a habit so, try hard you will win.  


    I hope you all understand how to make good habits and how to eliminate bad ones.


I hope this blog will create a great impact on your life.


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