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How much capital have to invest for stock market trading


How much capital need  to invest for stock market trading 

How much capital Needed to invest to stock market trading? this is one of the major doubt of most people’s So I thought I have to share some piece of knowledge with you all, before going to invest your capital for trading you have to decide who you are part-time trader or full-time trader, if you are a part-time trader? you will take only a few hours and also you have already a job so here you have active income and also if you make a profit from the trading that is also your side income or additional income, so this is a good thing but before entering into market as a trader or investor you must require proper market knowledge and also you have to know how to do the technical analysis, this is one of the important parts of the trading, this skill is not enough for the trading you must require proper financial knowledge and also you need to know how to manage your money and market risk.  If you are going to trade you need to know all things these are the important thing. Before going to trade in the stock market you have to decide who you are  full-time trader or part-time trader, then you have to take a step for capital investing, first of all, you have to consider trading as a business, most of the peoples are considering the trading as gambling, so please don’t do that kind of mistakes. 



Part-time trader 

some traders are being part-time traders these kinds of traders already have an active income for their survival so capital investing is depended on how much you want to take returns from the market, this is one of the important things. At least you have to invest 50000 – 60000 Rs for the par time trading, the thing is how you are going to trade so, don’t lose your time and money so if you are going to take a trade? then you have to ask some questions to yourself like – why do I have to take the trade? this question will clarify you, please avoid emotional trading this is not good for any kind of trader, so if you are a trader? then you must have a commitment then you have to trade. As a trader you have to do the technical analyzing then you have to trade. 


Full-time trader 

Full-time traders are spending more time in the market, and also he has no other active income so if you want to become a full-time trader? then you must consider the trading as a business, and also you have to know the technical analysis and strategy for trading, and money and risk management skill is the most important one, for any kind of trader. if you are going to take a trade? then you have to be clear why you are taking the trade – keep the note always and write the objective of the trade and what the pattern is created there, you have to note this, if you lose there, you can find where you make the mistake. Does the full-time trader have to invest for their capital at least 3,50,000 – 400,000 RS if you want 20000 – 50000 for the month? Then you have to invest this amount and also you have to know how you have trade, trading strategies, etc. 


Mindset and practice how is important 

Mindset and practice is much important thing for every trader so first of all, you have to be ready psychologically to face any losses and profits, which is important because most of the peoples are quit the trading, because of the loss, but they don’t know why they losss there, they are not ready to know why they lose the money, this is one of the major mistakes of mot retail trader. don’t be greed in the market this is also will trap you so you have to be more conscious in your trade. 

Practice – Practice is an important thing required by every trader so if you are going to take the trade? then you must require practice so practice consistently, only one or two trades will not make the experience, consistently you have to trade then only you will get an experience. If you a part-time trader? then don’t try to quit your job that is not good, be practice and get more experience from the market, if you are sure then you can quit your job and you can continue as a full-time trader so practice is the only way for the success. 



As a full-time or part-time trader have to invest his affordable amount, that depends on how much return you are expecting from the market and also how you are performing there. Mindset and practice are other important things that have to follow every trader and risk management and money management plays another major role in trading so be clear then trade, take the best decisions in your trade. 

I’m not your trading advisor I just share a piece of knowledge with you 


I hope this content was useful  


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