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Public speaking skill how to influence your self confidence

Public speaking skills how to influence your self-confidence 

Recently I attended a very interesting webinar about public speaking, I learned more knowledge about public speaking from that webinar. I thought I want to share this thing with you all. First of all, I ask you why public speaking is called a skill?  because here you have to know the difference between communication and public speaking, communication is not a skill you don’t want to practice for communication, how to communicate to others you know that very well, you can communicate with two or more persons well, but the same just imagine someone called you for speaking about a specific topic with crowed, here fear will be created for you that’s called stage fear, you may saw politicians, celebrities, and motivation speaker’s speeches. how they present their speech very well? Because that stage fears always have for them but they are overcoming that. Fear is good always because that fear will guide you for a good presentation.


Why public speaking is called skill  

Public speaking always treated as a skill because they need practice, public speaking is a mix of voice, body language, energy level, etc. so they need to practice, the energy, tone of voice, body language is most important factors in public speaking, the speaker should have these of qualities.

Then only the audience will attract to your speech, and humour is another important factor for public speaking, senses of humour always attract the audience, the audience will pay attention to you. This is the technique is using all speakers, this is also a formula for public speaking. Practices are always helpful in delivering a great speech. So, you have presented your seminar or speech anything, you should grow these skills then only you can present the great presentation.

How public speaking will influence your audience

The audience always likes interesting topics, so you have to observe your audience tastes& preferences  before preparing for the speech you have to fix your audience which means which group of people really focusing you like if you going to present for school students your style of presentation have to change for school students level, if you presenting for post-graduate students your presentation style has to change for them, so you have to fix who is the audience for your speech, that’s a very important factor in public speaking. Say your personal story in speech because the audience will always attract to past life history.

Prepare script

Prepare a script for your speech, just write key points of your speech this technique will always help you. Why I’m saying because then you can’t forget your points, write the script by yourself, then only you can present very well.

How to prepare for public speaking

How to prepare for public speaking is the most important factor in public speaking. First, you have to prepare your script, the second thing is your body language, body language is most important for public speaking, body posture will notice the audience, if you have good content, good  tone of voice but don’t have good body language that’s your biggest loss, body language is important more than voice So you should have good body posture.


Without self -appearance you can’t present a good presentation. So, you should very careful here because you are facing the audience you should present your best before an audience, just go simple and neat, you’re dressing always being comfortable because that comfort will boost your confidence level. Speak with a smiley face because a smile always creates a pleasant feeling so smile with your audience that’s will helps to create a great presentation.


How to construct your presentation

You have to present 100% of your presentation so here you divide your presentation level like 20% should cover body language,30% should cover your voice tone and your energy, balance 50% should cover your content. Then you will get the idea of how to build your presentation very unique, how to improve your presentation skill, then you can find your bad ones and you will try to avoid that. So, this type of dividing chart always helps you. At the time of introduction of your speech, you should look at your audience, then say your wish, that always helps you for starting your presentation. The next thing you have to serve your essential points, start your speech with confidence, try to attract your audience, show your energy level through your voice, necessary movements on the stage will attract your audience, make eye contact with your audience because eye contact is the most important one so make eye contact with various audiences don’t focus only particular group of a person that’s will create bad eye contact it will affect your presentation, try to impress your audience that’s always a good thing in  public speech, you should convey your contents with a loud voice with pauses why I’m saying because long time speech always doesn’t like by audience so quickly conclude your speech.




                                                                           I hope you all understand what is public speaking.



                                                                                                                         I hope this blog will helpful






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