Commodity trading how to increase trader’s profit


Commodity trading how to increase trader’s profit

Commodity trading how to increase traders profit why I choose this content because most beginner traders didn’t have any idea about the commodity market so I thought I want to share something about this with you. The commodity market is different from the stock market in the stock market the traders buy and sell the shares but the commodity market is different here traders trade the commodity this is the major difference between the commodity market and stock market. Here is also need proper knowledge about commodity market without any proper knowledge you can’t become a successful trader so before entering into commodity market you must improve, you’re knowledge at least you must know the basics of the commodity market otherwise it will difficult for you. Here have many sources for developing your knowledge like books, articles, etc. but you have to use that properly most unsuccessful trader’s major drawback is lack of knowledge so improve your knowledge first then take further steps. Trading is a skill that still has to improve day by day then only you can become a successful trader. The trader has to know the fundamentals of the trade and here risk management and money management is the major part of the trade so every trader must improve that skill. The chart analysis is the most important skill required for all traders because then only you can understand the market trend then only you can make the decisions in trade. So, chart analyzing is the most important factor in trading every beginner trader must improve that skill. Every trader has to know how to manage the risk if you are a trader you have to prepare psychologically and financially before the trade then only you can face losses and manage that. before entering into the commodity market, you must know the basics of the market then you have to analyze the market daily then only you can analyze the trend of the market.

Who is controlling the commodity market?

Here multi commodity exchange is controlling all of the markets like SEBI. Beginners have to understand these basics things before entering the market. 


Types of commodities in the market

Here mainly have two types of commodities one is international commodity other one is Agri commodity the traders trading in these two categories. 

International commodity

                                                            Photo by Dimitry Anikin

Here have many types of commodities most professional traders trading in international commodities and makes more profit from here the list of commodities are crude oil, gold, silver, etc. These are the main commodities are using for the trade before going to trade you must know the trading techniques and if you are a stock market trader you must learn well about this market and market analysis is the most important factor so beginners of the commodity market must improve their knowledge and experience then you have to trade otherwise you will face huge loses. 

Agri commodity

                                                                Photo by v2osk 

Agri commodity which means agricultural commodity here you can trade the agricultural items like pepper, cotton, wheat, Turmeric, jeera, etc. but most traders didn’t focus on these Agri commodities because these are the delivery items so compare with the international market here trading is too low. So, before the trade, you must ask some questions to, yourself like where to trade, why I want to trade, how much profit I can make from this how? These questions will make some clarity so before the trade must have a proper plan that’s most important. 

How can trade in the commodity market?

Here have some differences compared with stock market trade in the stock market you can buy many shares and can hold that for the long term and short term but in the commodities market, you have to buy the commodities on a lot size basis here have lot size for each commodity. The stock market has a closing time for the stocks but the commodity market has a contract for the commodities when the contract gets closed then that trade will also be closed this is the major difference between stock trade and commodity trade.

Risks of commodity market

Commodity market containing some risks but you can manage that risk by using some strategies when you have done it, you’re working correctly you will never face the risks. Here practical knowledge is most important for trade so try to improve that well. 


commodity market is different from the stock market but before entering into any market you must require proper knowledge about that otherwise you will face many losses so try to improve your knowledge well observe the market, use some strategies in trade make profit from there.

Here have many commodities you have to choose which is best for your trade here decision-making play’s an important role so every trader must improve their decision-making skill. trading is a skill you have to learn before the trade and you have to learn after the trade because you are trading is also a teacher that’s will teach you for your future.


I hope this content you understand well.

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