How gold investments influence your financial status


 How gold investments influence your financial status

How gold investments influence your financial status. why I choose this topic because this is an important part of investments, so I thought I wanted to share something about this with you. Investment is the most important part of every financial person, which kind of investment can do? This is the common confusion for all beginner investors. Most Indian peoples buying gold jewels but they considered that like investment, this is the common mistake doing most of the persons. Buying gold it’s not an investment it’s just like a liability why because, for example if you bought gold you have to make sure the safety for that, here you have to communicate with your bank then you have to give some charge for that, here your cost getting higher. So here you have to understand one thing the buying a gold-like buying a liability.  Here you have to understand the most important thing, the gold is an equivalent of cash,  why because the RBI ( Reserve bank of India) requires reserve gold for printing cash, so gold is one of the valuable assets. Here you have to understand the differences between bought gold and investing in gold. After reading this blog you will understand which is best  bought gold or investing in gold.


Gold in investors point of view

Smart investors can’t invest in gold why because that will not generate income. Investors get income from shares and bonds, so most investors will invest only in index companies in the stock market. At the crashing time of the market, the investors will invest in gold why because the gold rate will go higher in that time. This is one of the strategies of the investors.


How can invest in gold?

How can invest in gold this is the common question of most beginner investors. Here you have to understand about some investment plans, ETF (Exchange-traded fund) is the best option for gold investing. Here you can invest in gold at a lower cost.

Advantages of paper gold

·       Low cost

·       You can sell anytime

·       Safer

·       No transaction expenses

·       Low risk

·       No need locker      

Paper gold is the best asset for investing and also you have to understand one major advantage of this. At the time of selling your gold discount will deduct from selling amount this is one of the disadvantages of physical gold. at the same time in paper gold, you will get that date exact value of gold. so here you have to decide which is the best physical gold or paper gold.

Sovereign gold bond scheme

This is the one of the paper bond scheme issued by R B I (Reserve bank of India) this bond publishing on the financial year. This document has the exact value of the gold you can choose this scheme in the future you will get more return from here. you can buy this scheme very effortlessly by banks, you have to subscribe for this scheme then your bank will give you bond for that, That’s your document of this scheme.


 Tax benefit

 Here R B I have given 8 years, after 8 years that scheme will mature. At the ending date of that scheme amount will credit to your account. Here 0-5 years is the locking period you can’t withdraw that scheme in those periods. Within 5-8 years you can withdraw your scheme then you will get that period exact amount. But here you have to conscious about tax. After 8years you will get the full amount of that scheme without any taxes but within 5-8 years will you withdrew that scheme you have to pay tax for that. This is the advantages and disadvantages of this scheme.   additionally 2.5% interest is given for this scheme by R B I this is also a major advantage of this scheme.


Gold mutual fund

Gold mutual fund. You have to understand this why because most people can’t directly investing in the stock market. Most people investing in mutual funds. that’s also the best investing option. You can also invest in gold in a mutual fund by S I P plan to make a good return in the future. mutual fund has more schemes you can choose your valuable investment plan. 



 I hope this content you understand well. You have to decide buying a gold as a jewel or paper gold which is the best one and also you can decide your investment plans. Try to make investments in stock markets or mutual funds, golds, etc. you have to choose your best investment plan but that plan should give you a return.So you have to conscious here about that. 

I hope this blog will help you







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