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How to increase your brain concentration

 How to increase your brain concentration

How to increase your brain concentration, why I choose this topic because recently I read a book, I gather more knowledge about concentration. So, I thought I want to share something with you. and this is also the most important thing for all students & employees. Because most of the students can’t pay full attention for studies, because of distractions. Distractions like phone, social media notifications, etc. these of distractions majorly students and employees are facing, without concentration you can’t finish your work perfectly. So do you want to improve your concentration? Do you want to overcome your distraction? Do you want to become perfect? I’m going to share with you some tips and tricks, you have to follow that, then only you will achieve that.

Concentration like a ball, that ball you have to hold in your mind for the correct time, this is the simple definition for concentration. That ball rolling most of the time that time you can’t focus on anything this is happening for most of the persons, lack of concentration is not a good thing. That’s will trap you sometimes. So, try to concentrate that’s will create some miracles in your life.


How to control distractions

How to control distraction, this common problem facing most of the peoples Especially students. Why this is happening, for what, I can’t control myself. These questions have in your mind, and also you are trying to solve that problem but you can’t solve that. Frequently you’re distracting from everything. Distractions like social media, ringing of cell phones, etc.

I will share with you some tips for controlling your distractions:

·      Pause your web notifications

·      Try to avoid using phone more time

·      Try to control using social media

·      Go alone

·      Try to complete your work in alone place



Practice for concentration

Practice is the most important factor for improving your concentration, practice is the only way for improving your concentration. Once you will try to concentrate you will fail, once again you will try then youwill fail, once again you will try to concentrate then also you will fail. This will happen I’m sure about that, why because here you have to understand one thing. This is the process of improving concentration, here you have too proud of yourself. Because your try to do that, so don’t worry once you fail, that’s will motivate you for achieving that. So, accept your failure and try to learn from there, find your mistakes from there. This kind of practice will build your concentration level.

Meditate daily 

 Meditation is the most important weapon for overcome your distractions, meditate daily mornings, why I prefer the morning because. Morning is the starting time of the day, so morning meditations will create greater impacts on your life.


Make a habit

The trying to concentrate make a habit, that’s the most important one. Habit-making is an easy thing, but you have to work for that then only you will make a good habit.


Give your 100% attention

In every work you have to give your 100% attention then only you will get 100% work satisfaction and good results from there. control your distractions, then only you can give your full attention. How much time you are spending on work does not matter what you do at that time. That’s the important thing if you want to focus only on one thing you have to pay attention to that. don’t think about your future and past, try to live in the present life and make a good past and future. This is my personal suggestion for you all.

Plan your work before doing

You have to plan your work perfectly, then only you can do your work best. Planning is the most important one for every work. The plan is the blueprint of your work, try to make that then start your work that’s a very important thing for everything.

Improve work clarity

Improve clarity of your work that's the most important thing. You can do that easily but you have to work for that then only you can make clarity of your work, you have to decide first, then you have to plan, then you must give your 100% attention, and also you have to go alone for your doing deepest works that are better. why because no one will distract you, can do your work easily, then you will get work clarity automatically.




concentration like a ball you have to hold that in a particular place at a particular time, you have to improve your concentration, then only you will get better results from your work. You must read some books because reading will help you for concentration level. So reading is the most important factor, try to avoid using phone more time, that’s the toughest thing, including me but I’m trying to do that, I have a confidence I will win. You should have that confidence. I hope this topic you understand well.


 I hope this blog will create a greater impact on your life

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