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How to invest like an intelligent investor

 How to invest like an intelligent investor 

How to invest like an intelligent investor why I choose this content because this is one of the important parts of investing so I thought I want to share something about this with you. Investment is the most important factor of financial planning without any investment you can’t become successful in the future. If you want to become a smart investor you have to understands the concepts and techniques of investing then only you can become a good investor. Sometimes you will face some losses then you have to understand your mistakes from there failure is the best teacher for everything applicable for personal life and also business. Mistakes are the first step of learning in the business or investing you have to learn more lessons from that. we are all not perfect by born so mistakes and failures are the common things you have to control and manage that in your life and business or investing. if you want to invest before that you have to set an investment mindset that’s the most important thing why because most people facing lose then they ignoring investment why this is happening? Why because lack of financial knowledge is the major mistakes of those people so hear financial knowledge play’s major role in investing. investment is an art that art you have to understand then correctly you have done that then only you can become successful. I going to share with you some investment tips and going to explain investment concepts also. 

These whole concepts I gather from The intelligent investor book by Benjamin graham 

Here you have to understand about the defensive investor and aggressive investor or enterprise investor

Defensive investor how can invest

Defensive investors how can invest? you have to understand well who is defensive investor defensive investors are the set of investors those investors will not spend more time analyzing the market but they will invest. Those peoples will not take more risks these are the main characteristics of defensive investors. Beginner investors can become defensive investors and if you want to become a defensive investor you have to do some things in your investment plans.

The author says defensive investors have to invest in bonds and 50% have to invest in safer items and should buy 50% of stable company’s shares from your investment portfolio. 

How to set portfolio of defensive investors

How to set portfolio of defensive investor this is the most important factor for all defensive. PPF (public provided fund) gives you an 8-9% interest rate and 25%-75% have to invest in government or corporate bonds remain 25% you can invest in mutual funds or other investments. The author says defensive investors have to keep this portfolio always. 

 Aggressive investor how can invest

Aggressive investor or enterprise investor this investor is different from defensive investors these of investors will spend more time analyzing the market and also investing. if you’re young you can become an aggressive investor because you can manage future losses. Here the author says aggressive investors have to hold their shares for the long term and these investors do not buy famous company shares. Why because popular companies share most peoples will buy then you can’t get more profit from there. So, you have to buy start-up companies' shares then you can hold that share for long the term then that company share value will grow automatically then you can make more profit from that. this is the technique for those investors.

Long term investors how can choose the best company 

Long term investors have to choose the best company for their investing

  • The company should fundamentally strong
  • That company should not have debts 
  • You have to choose a higher profitable company. 

These key points have to follow all long-term investors.

How to set portfolio of aggressive investors


The aggressive investors have to invest 80% in large-cap and midcap funds then remain 20% have to invest in PPF (public provident fund) from their portfolio. These portfolios always good for aggressive investors if you are an aggressive investor you have to keep this in your portfolio that most important thing. 

Who will get more profit defensive investors or aggressive investors?

Defensive investors always can’t take more risks and they will not spend their time in the market so compare with aggressive investors defensive investors can make limited profits. 


How to invest like intelligent investors these concepts I gather from the intelligent investor book by Benjamin graham. The author says how to invest like an intelligent investor and here giving some pieces of advice to defensive investors and aggressive investors and how to make their portfolio. I hope this content will give you 100% satisfaction.

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