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Intraday trading how is good

                                                    Photo by Tech Daily 

Intraday trading how is good 

Intraday trading how is good why I choose this content because most of the beginners of the stock market have this doubt which is the best trading so I thought I want to share something about this. Trading is the skill that skill you have to understand and you have to develop that properly then only can become a success in the future. Before entering into the stock market, you have to decide whom you want to be because most persons entering as a trader and leaving as an investor so before entering into the market you must have an idea about what you want to be a trader or investor. Decision-making is the primary part of the stock market journey if your choice has become a trader you have to decide which kind of trader you have to be an intraday trader or swing trader this is the second part of the stock market. if you are a beginner in the stock market don’t try to make trading because trading is a skill so you have to improve, you’re trading knowledge and you must understand the technical analysis of the market and experience is more than important to theoretical knowledge so beginner investor please don’t try to make trading at the begging. Every trader has to improve their financial knowledge that is the most important factor for stock market trader have to know the market trend then only he can use strategies in their trading. Before going to trade you have to ask some questions to yourself like ‘why I’m taking this trade and what is the motive for this trade’ this is most important before the trading because that’s will make some clarity to yourself.  I’m not a financial advisor I giving you some knowledge from my research so if you are a trader you have to use your ideas and strategies only because that’s your trade you have to keep in mind that always. 


What is intraday trading? 

                                                        Photo by Chris Liverani 

Intraday trade which means one day trade for example if you start, you’re trading at 9.00 AM then you’re finished your trade-in evening at 3.30 PM this is a simple example for intraday trader. If you are going to do intraday trading? or if you want to become the intraday trader you must improve, you’re trading skill then you have to know the technical sides of the stock market then only you can make profit from there otherwise you will face huge losses from your side so try to improve your financial and practical knowledge that’s most important for all traders. 

Dos and don’ts for intraday trader


  • close the trade before closing the market 
  • fix your proper mindset
  • Do proper analyzing the market
  • set your daily target.
  • Once you achieve, you’re target leave from there



  • Don’t overtrade 
  • Don’t change your position like intraday trader to swing trader
  • Don’t fix the time for trading 
  • Don’t average your trade


If you follow these key points for, you’re trading you can control your risks from your trade, so try to follow these ideas it will make changes in your trading results. 


The time frame for intraday trader 

                                                            Photo by Carlos Muza 

An intraday trader has no particular time for trade but you have to set your trade timing intraday trader has to take less time and that time has to do the good trade. An intraday trader can take one minute five minutes or five-minute these timings have to follow all the intraday traders for one trade; it doesn’t take too much time for the trade.  


What are the qualities that have to improve the intraday trader?

Every intraday trader has to improve some qualities then only he can become a success in trading. Every trader has to set daily goals, and a trader has to make the ability to handle the pressure situations, without any proper knowledge you can’t become a success in intraday trade so try to learn every day something new from your trade. Every intraday trader has to improve their decision-making mindset because if you achieve, the daily target you have to leave from there some traders will make overtrade then that’s will go wrong so don’t try to do that mistake set your daily target if you achieve that leave from there immediately. 

The intraday trader has to improve these qualities then you can become a success in your trading.



Intraday trading is not a simple thing you have to understand the technical sides of the market and here required experience in trading otherwise you can’t trade in the stock market whether is applicable for also the swing traders so if you want to become a success in the future you must improve, you’re knowledge. When you have done, your job properly you will get your return automatically so try to improve your knowledge daily try to learn more about the trading learn something new. 



I hope this content you understand well 




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