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Options trading how to plays a major role in the stock market


Options trading how to plays a major role in the stock market 

Options trading how to plays an important role in the stock market why I choose this content because most beginners of the stock market didn’t know what is option trading. So I thought I want to share something about this with you. Options trading is a major part of the stock market every beginner trader should understand this. Options trading is a prediction method for the seller or buyer predicting the share value if that predicted value will reach that seller or buyer can earn profit from that. This is a simple definition of options trading the most stock traders using this method and they earn more profit from there. If you are a beginner trader in the stock market you have to understand more about the market. without proper financial knowledge you can’t succeed in the stock market so, first of all, you have to improve your financial knowledge and you’re require more experience in the stock market then only you can succeed in future. Options trading is also a strategy of traders that strategy has to use only proper way then only that’s will works. Options trading can consider as art because options trading is not an easy thing that requires more knowledge and experience so beginners don’t try to do option trade because it has more risks so you have to more conscious here.  

what are calls and puts?

Here you have to understand about calls and puts 


For example, you’re buying one share for 1000 rupees you’re predicting that the share value will go 1300 for that prediction you have to sign a contract and you have to pay some amount for that. if that share value goes 1300 you will get more profit from that this is called ‘calls’. In case that share will not go you’re predicted value your premium amount will lose you this is the process of ‘calls’


Put is directly different from calls here put is using for sell, for example, you’re buying a particular share for 2000 rupees then you’re predicting that share value will go down 1800. You're predicting for negative value this is the difference between calls and puts here you have to sign the contract and also you have to pay some premium amount also. here is also the same procedure for that if the share value will go down as per your prediction you will get profits from there if the share value will go hire you will lose your premium amount.

Calls and puts can consider as insurance 

Calls and puts you can consider as insurance because your paying some amount for future uncertainties insurance same process here also happening. If your prediction will get failed you have to face loss but you can manage that loss by using your premium amount so you can consider this as insurance.  

How to do this options trading properly

If you want to this option trading properly you should understand the technical sides of the financial market then only you can become a success in trading. Options trading is predicted trading so you should improve your financial knowledge and here experience is more than important. You have to observe the market daily then only you can analyze the market then you can understand the techniques of the share market. 

Risks of option trading

Options trading is predictable trading so here the risk is more than compare with normal trading so beginners don’t choose this option trading because experience is the most important factor. Beginners try to understand the financial market then only you can succeed in trading and also investing so try to make a financial mindset. 

Types of peoples in option trading

Here have two groups of peoples one is option buyers others are option seller's option buyer's intention is always limited loss and unlimited profit but in the case of option sellers they intention is always unlimited loss and limited profit. The sellers can make a profit only on market crashing times this is the difference between the two groups of peoples. 


Options trading is prediction trading that requires more financial knowledge and experience. Here have more risk so beginners don’t try to do that that’s better for avoiding risk. Incalls and put you will not get any ownership for the shares that have to understand because normally if you buy a share in the stock market you will get ownership of that company. But here in options trading, you will not get ownership. 


 I hope this content you understand well

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