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The defensive investor how to choose a company for investing


                                                            Photo by bruce mars 

The defensive investor how to choose a company for investing 

The defensive investor chose a company for investing why I choose this content because this is the most important factor for all beginner defensive investors, so I thought I wanted to share something about this with you. The defensive investor has to choose the best company for their investment then only those returns will good. So, the defensive investor requires more financial knowledge he wants to make some good decisions in their investment so if you are a beginner investor in the stock market you have to learn some lessons from, you’re investing journey. The defensive investors always safe players because they will not take more risks in their investing and defensive investors will not spend more time analyzing the share market These are the main characteristics of these investors. Most beginner investors buying shares on considered share price this mistake doing most beginners if you’re going to buy a share you have to keep in mind this. Every investor needs good financial knowledge the only he can make good decisions in their investing. Here the investor has to decide which company’s shares have to buy that share how will make profits like that. so, if you are a beginner defensive investor you must improve, you’re financial knowledge you can choose many sources to improve your knowledge you have to use those opportunities like financial-related books, podcasts, financial news, websites, etc. Here have many opportunities you have to use that properly. Before investing in companies you have to analyze that companies’ financial situation, future, asset value, etc. every defensive investor has to understand the technotes of investing’s that skill has to improve all investors that are the most important thing. The defensive investor has to prepare psychologically and financially after investing because the share market contains some risks so you have to manage that then only you can survive.  


Industry analyzing how much important for an investor

                                                        Photo by Marga Santoso 

The investor has to analyze the company's annual reports and other documents carefully to read especially you have to check any margin and acquisitions that have happened in that company because you’re going to invest in that companies, so any kind of issues will affect you too. So, you have to more conscious before investing keep in mind that. You have to analyze how the company makes the cash you can find in the cash flow statement.


Cash flow statement analyzing how much important for an investor 

Cash flow statement analysis is the most important one for all investors because then only you can understand that companies’ income sources. The cash flow statement has three heads 

1.   Financing activity

2.   Investing activity

3.   Operating activity. 

 1.Financing activity 

Here you can find all the income sources of the company. 

2.   Investing activity

Here you can find all the investing sources of companies like shares, bonds, etc. 

3.   Operating activity

This is the most important part for analyzing why because here you can find the asset value, exactly this is the income-generating source so you have to more conscious here.

These are the benefits of analyzing cash flow if you’re a beginner investor, you must analyze these statements before investing. 

Quality management

                                                                Photo by Leon

The management of the company should have to qualify this has to analyze all investors. You're chosen company’s share value goes higher suddenly have to attain from that company because there have more chances for loss. And you're shortlisted company should concentrate on the business not to share value if that company giving more important for shares you have to avoid that company that is the best choice.


How to choose the company by using earnings per share.

if you analyze EPS (Earnings per share) you have to analyze at least 5-7 years value because long-term analyzing is always a good thing. You have to choose a company then you have to analyze those annual reports and must calculate EPS this is the process; all defensive investors have to do this process properly. Eps values will fluctuate always so you have to understand that’s a trend.

How to compare the companies

The defensive investor has to compare the companies before investing by using some factors like profitability, stability, earnings, growth, financial position, dividends, price history. Then you can choose which company is best for investing. 



The defensive investor has to analyze the company, before going to invest. Have to analyze company financial potion, asset value, companies’ future, etc. When the investor has done their job properly, he can become a success in the future.  

This knowledge I gather from The intelligent investor book by Benjamin graham bell 


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