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Financial discipline how much important for every investor


Financial discipline how much important for every investor 

Financial discipline how important for every investor why I choose this topic because this is the most important factor is required for every investor but most people didn’t try to invest and didn’t have any financial discipline so I thought I want to share something about this with you. without financial discipline, the investor can’t become a success in the future. Most people didn’t have any idea about how to spend their income this is a major problem for most persons. Proper financial knowledge is the only solution for these kinds of problems when the person gets proper financial knowledge he/she will not do any mistakes and he/she can become a success in the future. financial mindset is most important for every beginner investor then only they can build a good financial future. Some people didn’t take the investment as a part of life they considered as gambling the lack of knowledge is the problem for that so try to build your financial knowledge first then you can understand investment is how much important. If you are a young person this is a great time to build your financial carrier, try to learn about the financial market, try to understand about investing improve your financial knowledge through books, podcasts, webinars, news, etc. The theoretical knowledge is only not enough so you require good practical knowledge about investing then only you can grow you’re investing returns so beginner investors must keep in mind this. Beginner investors have to start only small investing’s that’s always better. The stock market is The best option for investing if you want to invest you must require one Demat account this is the primary step of investing. 

What is a Demat account?

What is a Demat account? Most beginners of the stock market have this doubt. Demat account is nothing if you want to invest in the stock market you must require four things like a bank account, a Demat account, a trading account, and a good internet connection these are the major required things for investing. Before the internet share certificates are in physical format but still the stock market buying and selling works through the internet. The details of buying shares will be stored in a Demat account this is the use of a Demat account without a Demat account you can’t start your investments. 

Where can open the Demat account?

You can open the Demat account through banks some banks offering this option also but banks will charge 300-500 INR. You can open the Demat account through the brokers also now some brokering companies providing zero balance Demat account opening opportunities and some brokerage companies providing good guidance for their clients you can use those opportunities. Here required some documents for opening you’re Demat account like id proof, pan card, address proof, etc. 

What is a trading account? 

If you want to buy and sell the shares you need a trading account you can open this trading account through the stockbrokers. You’re Demat account and trading account are interlinked with your bank account and you can operate this trading account anywhere using your login id and password. 


How to achieve financial discipline.

 Achieving Financial discipline is an easy thing but you have to put your time and energy into that. Most people want to build financial discipline but they are not trying to build that this is the major problem of most people’s financial knowledge. 

1.   Financial knowledge is the first step for build your financial discipline try to improve your financial knowledge first

2.   Financial planning is the second step for build financial discipline here you can categorize four things 

  • Saving funds for emergency situations
  • Repaying debts
  • Insurance
  • Money multiplying factors

Saving funds for emergency situations

You have to keep some amounts always in your bank account for emergencies. First of all, you have to calculate your monthly expenses then you have to multiply that amount by 6months how much amount you get from that calculation you have to keep that amount in your account always. 

For example, if you’re monthly expense is 25000 = 25000*6= 150000 

1.   Repaying debts

You must have to repay your debts shortly because debt is a liability so you must have to control that liability otherwise you can’t achieve any financial success

2.   Insurance

Insurance is most important for every person this is also an important thing for build financial discipline. Before taking policies you have to analyze something about it like Analyzing coverage is an important thing and you must analyze the claim settlement ratio some people analyzing only the premium amount please don’t do that kind of mistake. 

3.   Money multiplying factors

Here you have two choices for multiply your money one is business and another one is investing you have to choose what do you want. If your choice is investing here, you have three investment plans like equity, gold, and real estate. 

1.   Equity funds

Here you can invest in stocks and mutual funds before that you must require good financial knowledge.

2.   Gold 

Don’t buy gold as jewels that are not a good thing for intelligent investors so you can invest in sovereign gold bonds that will make a 2.7% fixed return.

3.   Real estate              

Real estate is also investing factor when the value goes higher then you can make a good profit from there.



Financial discipline is most important for every investor. Without any proper knowledge, the investor can’t achieve success in the future so before going to do financial planning you must need proper financial knowledge. When getting proper knowledge then you can make financial discipline.

I hope this content you understand well.


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