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How the companies raising funds

How the companies raising funds 

How the companies raising funds why I choose this content because most beginners of the stock market have this doubt so I thought I want to share with you something about it. Normally the companies will raise the funds through various sources like bank loans, debts from other sources, and issuing IPO (initial public offering). Here the IPO contributing to rising capital most beginners of the financial market heard this word but they don’t have any idea about it. The beginners of the financial market must understand some technical words like equity, intraday trade, candlesticks chart, indicators, the intrinsic value like, etc. Beginners of the stock market must understand these terms try to understand these terms and that’s advantages. If you want to achieve financial freedom? Then definitely you have to understand well about the stock market. most of the people entering into the financial market without any proper knowledge please don’t do that kind of mistake. Before entering into the market, you must decide who want to become trader or investor here the decision-making skills is most important because most of the peoples entering into market as a trader but they living as an investor. You must understand the difference between trading and investing then only you can become a successful trader or successful investor. proper financial knowledge is most important for beginners of the stock market without proper financial knowledge you can’t achieve any financial freedom so try to learn something new about the market improves your financial knowledge daily.  


What is IPO?

What is IPO? most beginners of the stock market have this doubt IPO is nothing which means initial public offering. Before indexing into the stock market, the companies will give public offering for bought the share when the public bought the share of the company then the person will get small ownership of that company because shareholders are the real owners of the company. 

Why IPO?

This is the next doubt of most people’s why this IPO offering? Here have many chances for offering IPO. 

Causes of IPO

  • For expanding the companies.
  • Raising funds for launching new products
  • Raising funds for new assignments
  • Raising funds for paying debts. 

These are the causes of IPO this is a very common thing in every company. 

How to apply for IPO?

If you want to apply for the IPO? You have to require one Demat account and here the company will give you 3-10 days' time to apply for the IPO. After the apply for IPO, it will take time for getting approval so you have to wait for getting approval. If the company not allotted any shares, you can’t hold any shares.

What should analyze before applying for the IPO 

Before going to apply for the IPO you must analyze something about that company and IPO details. You must analyze the company well before applying the IPO, analyzing which means if it is an existing company, you must analyze the financial statements of that company. Here you must analyze the balance sheet, profit and loss account, and cash flow statements. Before going to apply for the IPO, you must analyze the company is issuing fixed-price or book building. 

Fixed price issue – Here the company will issue the IPO for a fixed limit you have to book that shares at the price

Book building issue -Here the company will give you the price range you can apply how much you want. 

What is the advantage of IPO?

IPO is advantageous for the shareholders because if that company will make a good profit the shareholders can make a higher profit so before going to apply the IPO you must require proper financial and market knowledge. 

What are the risks of IPO? 

Here have some risks because this is equity market here have many chances for risks so before applying for the IPO you must ask some questions to yourself like why I want to apply for this, how the company will make a profit in the future like that it will clarify you. so, before going to apply for the IPO you must analyze the company well not the company share. 


How the company raises the profit? this is the common doubt of all beginners of the stock market the company will raise the funds from banks, other financial institutions, and also through IPO. Without proper financial and market knowledge you can’t succeed in the stock market so try to learn about the financial market improve your financial knowledge then try to enter into the market. Before applying to the IPO you must analyze the company well and also the IPO, company Issues fixed-price or book building price. If the company offers the IPO, you must decide whether it is applied or not.

 I hope this content you understand well.

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