Why fundamental analysis

 Fundamental analysis 

 Fundamental analysis why this content because which is important thing has to know every beginner investor in a stock market, so I thought I want to share some piece of knowledge to you. fundamental analysis is an important factor influencing investing decisions. Most of the people entering the stock market with lack knowledge this is the major drawback of most of peoples, if you want to make a profit or if you want to build a carrier into the stock market? then you must understand what is fundamental analysis and what is the need for fundamental analysis. basically, most of the Indian people didn’t try to invest in the stock market because of fear of loss, and another thing is people are considering the stock market as gambling, which is the most drawback of people. some other people are investing in gold and real estate because they are trust only gold and real estate. Why the peoples are afraid of the stock market because of the lack of financial and market knowledge. The stock market is nothing like in the vegetable market you will buy the vegetables at the same in the stock market you can buy and sell the shares of the company this is actually happening into the share market. the share value ups and downs are depending on the demand and supply and other factors. Before entering into, the share market, you must require proper financial and market knowledge otherwise you will be losing your money. Before invest in the share market, you must consider some factors for choosing a company and its share it is called fundamental analysis. Most successful investors why multiply their investment because they have proper ideas and also and strategies, so if you want to invest like successful investors? Then you must improve your financial and stock market knowledge. 



Fundamental analysis why it is important 

Fundamental analysis why it is because important because before choosing any company for investing, you must analyze the company financial position, market trend, Business model, asset value, how much debts and credits, current asset, company funds – long-term funds and short-term funds, book value, Earning per share, management, dividend ratio, and other documents of the company, These are the basic things that have to consider for choosing a share but most people are choosing shares without any idea and knowledge. so, if you are a beginner for the stock market or if you want to invest in any company? You must consider these factors otherwise you will face the consciences.   


How to do this fundamental analysis 

How to do the fundamental analysis this is the confusion of most people, if you have proper financial and market knowledge you can analyze the company financial statements, dividend ratio, the book value of the share, etc. If you don’t have proper knowledge about the market, you can hire a professional financial advisor or you can develop your financial and market knowledge yourself through the books, articles and also through the free and paid courses, the Elearn market provides a wonderful offer for you 1000 rupees worth stock market-related course with certification offered for free you can check out this wonderful opportunity from the end of this article, I will share you the details about this course click the highlighted word Stock Market Made Easy for your registration


Book value how is important 

You must understand about the book value of the share, which is nothing book value which means the actual value of the share, the book value has to be strong always, the book value has to higher compare with the current market price because if the company disclosed unfortunately you will get the book value of the stock so here you have too conscious. Sometimes the book value will increase and decrease so you must analyze that consistently. 

Risk Management  

Risk management is an important thing for every stock market investor, the stock market is risk containing factor when you gambling there or didn't properly analyze the share or company? It will be a risk for you. when you have done your works here properly then you can easily manage your future risks. 


Trading websites good or not  

Trading websites is good or not? Here you have to understand one thing the trading websites it's only the platform so if you are going to invest in any companies which means it's made by yourself so when you get proper financial knowledge and market knowledge then you can make more profits from your investing. 




Why fundamental the analysis is important because this is the root map for your investment so here you have to follow the rules properly otherwise the stock market is always a risk for you. when done your work properly then you can make a higher return from here. 

 I'm not your financial advisor here I just shared my ideas so if you have  any idea about stock market investing that always only have your own ideas and strategies  


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