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What qualifies a person as being a genius?


What qualifies a person as being a genius?  

What qualifies a person as being a genius why I choose this content because anyone can become a genius by using their intelligence, most of the young people are wasting their valuable time with their smartphones only a few peoples think differently like innovatively so this is one of the major drawbacks of the youngest peoples. Mindset is the only thing that makes you a genius, so if you want to be a genius? Then you have to think differently from others. You can observe world genius peoples like – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac newton etc. Those peoples were the most genius person in the world, how they have become geniuses? Because of their way of thinking, they were finding the problem and also, they given the solution for it, so here you have to understand one thing that is – how you train your brain then that will train you. Always be a curious person then only you can easily understand in your interesting topics and also you can learn that easily, so try to be a curious person then only you can learn something new. Try to think differently then only you can build new innovative ideas so always try to think different from common people. The world most influenced peoples are genius because their way of thinking is different from common peoples and also, they are mostly very curious personality peoples that are they are problem finders and also they are trying to give a solution for that, through that they are making more profit the entrepreneurs are the best example not only the entrepreneurs we can say scientists, artists, etc. Research and try to learn from it because when you research something you can learn more information about it so if you want to know something try to search in internet and books you can learn more information’s from there. 

Note your questions 

Note your questions on your dairy or not book then research the answer for It make it is as a habit once you make it as a habit? Then you can learn something new, so don’t waste your valuable time on social media and other platforms, try to use your time effectively use your time and energy for increasing your productivity. 


Action taking 

Action taking this is the another most important one thing because most of the peoples are learning something new but they are nr not ready to take any action for it lets say’s stock market as one example – mostly the middle-class peoples are afraid to the stock market, only a few peoples are using their knowledge and take action for investing or trading, another some peoples are trying to learn about the market but they are not ready to take any action for it, so don’t be like that try to learn something new and take an action for it. 


Attention span 

Attention span is another important thing required for everyone then only you can observe something takes further action for it, so be attentive to your work or studies it can be anything, try to focus on that thing, then you can increase your productivity and you can easily achieve your goals, this is one of the important secrets of genius people. 


Combine the two things to get better output, for example – I creating the blogs by using my creativity but I using the technologies also for editing purposes and also a blogger platform to posting so here I using the art and also science, so here you have to understand one thing that is if you want to become a genius? Then you have to combine the two factors for example technology + art when you do this thing then only the task will be complete then only you can make good results from it. 

Mental ability 

The mental ability this is a most required thing to become ingenious, so try to exercise your body and mind then only you can increase your productivity level, so try to read some books, try to learn something like codding, new language, etc, it will reduce your stress level and also through that you can learn something new skills. 




What qualifies a person as being a genius first of all you have to understand one thing the genius peoples are self-made why because they are using their own ideas and also, they are thinks different from others that’s why we called them as a genius. Genius peoples are action taking persons, and also, they will combine both factors to get results, and their mental ability is good and efficient, so if you want to become a genius? then you have to try to follow these steps properly. 


I hope this content was useful. 


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