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Why do stock traders are mostly failed?



Why do stock traders are mostly failed?  

Why stock traders are mostly failed because here I have to say some important causes for why the stock traders are mostly failed. First of all, trading is a skill here you must require proper knowledge, but most retail traders are playing an emotional game in the market. first of all, you have to understand one thing that is trading is not an emotional game when you are clear about this then only you can make a good trade and make more profits, otherwise, you will fail all the time, here filed means loss I’m saying. Most retail traders make mistakes here because of overconfidence, here in the market, don’t trade on the belief please don’t do that kind of thing, when you are going to take a trade first of all you have to ask yourself that is – why I take the trade, if it Is your confidence don’t take the trade or if it is because your technical analyzing then you can take the trade before takes any you must require proper technical knowledge. You have to take the trade with something commitment that is better always, and you have to trade with using some strategies, here the planning also an important one so before going to takes any trade you must have proper planning and also a strategy. Here in the market patience and consistency is important because the market will not go on an uptrend suddenly it will take time, so if you are a trader, you have proper knowledge about the market then only you can build patience. Consistency is also an important one required to all stock traders, so take the trades consistently but before that, you have to be a proper plan and strategy and also a commitment with that trade. 



Money management 

Money management is an important thing required for every retail and professional trader so as a trader you have to know how to manage money. most of the traders are using high leverages this is also a bad decision taking trader so before using leverage you have to be more conscious than you have to decide whether it is necessary. 

Risk management 

Risk management is another important have to consider all stock traders, some traders are taking many risks, because of emotions. 

You must have a risk management ratio this is an important one required for all kinds of traders Here as a trader you have to know how to manage your emotions, here you have only one way to control your emotional trading that is – setting a daily target it you hit the target? Then you have to close a trade whether it can be using also a swing trader and also an intraday trader. 

Avoid emotional trading 

Avoid emotional trading most of the traders are takes the trade over their emotions, this is one of the major drawbacks of the traders if you want to control your emotions while in your trade? Then you must require an of proper knowledge about the trading, when you get proper knowledge and also practice and years of experience then you can become a professional trader. Well prepare psychologically before going to trade, it will help you to control emotional trading. 

 What are the things that play a major role in trading? 

As a trader you have a proper goal then only you can plan if you have a proper plan about trading then you can control your emotions if you control the emotions then you can avoid fear about the loss, when you do this thing properly you can manage the risks in the trade. These are things are playing a major role in trading, when you do this thing properly and also consciously. 



Why stock traders are mostly failed because of their improper knowledge and also emotional trading and also other minute factors make losses to the traders. As a trader, you have to be more conscious because it is your trade why you are trading? your ultimate goal is having to be a good profit, not the trade. As a trader, you have to set a goal and have to plan and you must use some technical strategies, at the same time you have to control your emotions, then you have to manage your money and also a risk when you properly do this? Then you can make more profit and also you can be a professional and also successful trader. 


I’m not your trade advisor here I’m shared a piece of knowledge about trading. 


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