Chanakya lessons for the business

                             Chanakya lessons for the business 

Chanakya lessons for the business why I choose this content is because this is important thing has to know who want to make good management in their business, so I thought I have to share some piece of knowledge about it. Chanakya was an Indian economist, philosopher, teacher and also loyal advisor, we have to know the important lessons from him, because he was a mastermind and most of the organizations are still using these management techniques but most of them don’t know this, so if you are a businessman or entrepreneur, salesman or top-level employee of the organization? Then you have to know these lessons well, once you use these Chanakya lessons? Then you can make an effective organization. 



1. Be genuine and use kind words 

Be genuine and use kind words to your customers and also to your clients because when you make proper and effective communication with others then only you can build a healthy and genuine relationship with others, so be conscious in your communication always try to use attractive words and give respect to others this is one of the major important lessons have to learn from the Chanakya. Most of the organization are using CRM technique in the organization because that is also a major sales technique, this is also like CRM, so be conscious in your communication always.  

2. To face an issue and solve it in an effective way 

To face an issue and solve it effectively because problems and issues you can’t avoid from business, because problems or issues are the part of the business so if your business is facing any issues? Then you must try to solve those problems first, first, you have to understand the actual problem and try to understand the cause of the problem then you have to take an action for your problems, here decision-making skill is an important thing, your decision won’t affect in your business and also to others, so you have to improve your decision-making skill. once you take a bad decision that will affect your business brand name so here you have to be more conscious this is the second lesson of Chanakya for the business.  

3. Don’t be too honest 

Always don’t be too honest because when you be too honest in your business? then your competitor will beat your business easily, so don’t explore your business secrete to anyone in any situation, this is also one of the major important lessons we have to learn from the Chanakya. 


4. Business partner and staff of the organization 

Chanakya says business partners and staff of the organization must be proactive and also positive-minded, then only your organization will grow, so here you have to be more conscious of you're appointing any business partners or staff? Then you have to appoint a productive minded person, then only that business will grow or can expand. When all the individuals work in the business honestly? Then only the business overall performance will be better so, here as a manager you have to appoint a productive people in your organization, or if you are businessman or entrepreneur? Do you want to appoint a partner in your organization? Then you must appoint a positive minded person in your organization otherwise it will affect your business. This is also one of the major lessons we have to learn from the Chanakya. 

5. Don’t be shy 

Don’t be shy always if your salesperson doesn’t be shy to communicate with others, when you be shy then you have to remember your opportunity losing by yourself so, don’t be shy always if you want to communicate to others? try to communicate, if you want to share your opinion with others? then you must try to share your opinions try to be an open-minded person, don’t be shy to ask questions to anyone, don’t be shy for education, and also in the monetary things, so try to communicate and share your opinions. This is also one of the major important things in the business so is your business organisation going to conduct any staff meeting? Then try to speak and share your opinions, maybe your opinions make some changes in your organization so don’t be shy in your life, this is also one of the major lessons we have to learn from the Chanakya.



I hope this content was useful 



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