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How to make better self-discipline?


How to make better self-discipline? 

How to make a better self–discipline? why I choose this content because which is most important thing is to require to do something disciplinary, but most of the peoples are not being a discipline. Discipline means something do responsibly that is called self-discipline. Most of them are trying to build proper self-discipline but they can’t build, because somewhere they are making a lot of mistakes if you want to build a self–discipline? then you have to make it a habit, here you have to know what is habit making?, habit making is a process you have to do that consistently and also properly, so here you need a good mindset to make self – discipline, so try to make proper mindset. When do you set the proper mindset to do something? then you have to set a goal in your life, that can be a business goal, financial goal, or reading books, it can be anything you have to decide, then you have to work for that consistently. Here you can notice I said step by step process, like mindset ­­­– goal-setting – Work consistently, this is a process so here you have to be more conscious, most of them set good mindset, and goal, then within few days, will not follow that thing properly, especially the young peoples, they have time to play mobile games and chatting in social media, but they don’t have time to read at least 5 pages in books, this is happening. When you set a proper mindset, and goal to do something to make some positive impacts in your life? then only you can make better self discipline in your life. 


How to make better self–discipline 

Making self–discipline is not an easy thing I said it is a process you have to do properly otherwise you can’t make better self-discipline in your life. 

Be responsible – Be responsible in your life some peoples do something responsibly to others, for example, some sincere employees take a responsible job and also they will complete that work, in a proper time, this is being responsible to others, mostly peoples are being like that, but here you need to be disciplined for your self that’s the important thing, you have to be disciplined for your self first.  

How to being discipline for yourself - You have to be discipline for yourself first that’s an important thing to make better self – discipline so make a to-do list and try to manage your time and try to do your work properly, when you make it a habit then you can easily make better self-discipline in your life. 

Don’t be an average person –  Don’t being an average person because most of the peoples are being an average, they don’t try to make something new in their life, for example – if a person does the stock trading then his friend will also do the trading, so actually, the peoples are copying other’s lifestyle, so don’t be like that, try to find your passion or skills then try to improve and make some impacts don’t be an average from your friend circle or from your society. 


What are ways to kill your laziness? 

What are ways to kill your laziness? This is also one of the major doubts of most of them if you want to kill your laziness? Then you have to work for that, you have to decide and take an action for it, this is also one of the major parts of making better self – discipline when you avoid your laziness? Then only you can make a better self–discipline.


How you have to keep your self-discipline 

How do you have to keep your self–discipline? this is an important thing because making better self-discipline is the toughest thing, but keep it as for your life long that’s is challengeable, so here you have to take some action for it like

Invest your time to increase your productivity - You have to invest your time to increase your productivity? then only you can make some impacts in your life, at least try to spend weekends for makes side business or already you have a side business? then you have to spend your time to improve your side business. you can invest your time in reading books, that’s a really good thing, so try to make it as possible. 

Build your creative ideas – Try to build your creative ideas when you try to build your ideas and execute then only you can make some changes in your normal life if you failed from your ideas? Then try to learn some lessons from there then avoid that kind of mistake next time, when you do this consistently? Then definitely you will get better results from there, don’t give up. 

Try to give value for high priority things – Try to give value for high priority things, for example just imagine within two days you have to submit a project but you have some other pending works, then where you give high priority to do? like that, so try to find priority things? Then try to give value first to that. when you do these all the things properly? Then you can keep your self–discipline as life long.  


Here I shared some pieces of knowledge about how to make a better self – discipline?, What are ways to kill your laziness? And How you have to keep your self–discipline?.  This knowledge I gather from 

No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by  Brian Tracy 

I hope this content was useful to you. 



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