

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus intensely aware of what you are feeling and sensing at the moment. 


How do I stay mindful?   

How do I staymindful? this is one of the familiar questions asked by many peoples now I am going to share some techniques to stay mindful. 


1.  Pay attention 

Pay attention it's hard but you have to try, it will take time whenever focus and pay attention to the present moment you can reach the first step of mindfulness.


22.  Live in the moment 

People are not living in the moment lot of people are stuck in their past life moments that are wrong if you are stuck in your past life memories whether it is happy or unhappy, you must come out from there. Live in the present moment and be aware of what is happening in your present life. 


33.  Focus on your breath/ music

Whenever you meditate you must focus on your breath or music it will help you to improve your focus and attention. 




 Does mindfulness meditation improve intelligence?  

Yes, mindfulness mediation definitely will improve intelligence, but it will take time. Deep meditation slows down brain activity with slower brain waves the brain increases its ability to re-organize itself. 

Meditation is linked to such mental and physical benefits as symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and lowering blood pressure. A new study found that the practice can improve brain function. 


How can mindfulness have achieved?

1.  Observe your breathing 

2.  Go for a nature walk 

3.  Avoid multitasking 

4.  Take mini breaks throughout the day







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