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Aggressive investor how making a profit from the stock market



 Aggressive investor how making a profit from the stock

Aggressive investors how making a profit from the stock market why I choose this content because this is one of the important parts of the stock market chapter so I thought I want to share something about it. An aggressive investor or enterprise investor is the type of investor in the stock market these investors take more risks and will spend more time and energy in analyzing the stock market. Aggressive investors make more profits compare with defensive investors already I posted about defensive investors in my past blog you can check that in the featured post. If you want to become an aggressive investor you have to analyze the past and performance of the market that’s will make clarity for investing. You can’t predict the stock market future you have to understand that first analyzing past performance will give you some clarity in your investing but the future is not dependent on the past most beginners in the stock market are doing more mistakes do not do that otherwise will face more loses from you’re investing. stock market like a school you can learn more lessons from there. Practical knowledge plays an important role in the stock market you have to require more practical knowledge and years of experience than only you can form and apply some strategies in the market. Investing strategies are a must for all aggressive and defensive investors. Each aggressive investors have to clear about where he wants to invest then only, he can make good returns from there. Most of the beginners and unsuccessful peoples in the stock market doing more mistakes that have to avoid then you can make more returns from your investing. I will share with you some important techniques for investing that you have to follow then you can become a success in the future. here you have spent your time and energy for understanding the stock market if you are entering the stock market you have to learn about that which’s the most important one. 


Aggressive investor portfolio

The aggressive investor’s portfolio must add two important concepts one is More risk and More profit these two concepts have to follow every aggressive investor. Normally stock market is a risky industry especially aggressive investors have to take more risks and that risk doesn’t have to affect your capital so aggressive investors have to conscious about it. The next thing is profit when you are done your job correctly automatically you make a profit and you can control, you’re risks.  


Aggressive investors negative approach

1.   Aggressive investors have to follow some rules in investing aggressive investors don’t buy low-quality bonds because companies or governments will take a certain percentage from your bonds so this is the biggest drawback for aggressive investors.

2.   Aggressive investors have to avoid foreign bonds there have some more risks.

3.   Don’t take more risks normally aggressive investors are risk-taking investors but more risks always not good for the investor so try to avoid that.

4.   Don’t buy prefer stocks that are not good for aggressive investors because there not have voting rights to shareholders, no fixed dividends, always giving constant returns. 


Positive approaches for aggressive investors

  • Growth stocks 
  • Buying bargains
  • Special situation.      

Growth stocks 

Aggressive investors have to buy growth stocks that are the most important thing you have to keep in mind.

1.   Buying bargains

Have had to buy larger and unpopular companies share that that share value has to below the interstice value.

1.   Special situation 

When the economy will down aggressive investors have to choose financially strong companies that are the most important factor for aggressive investors.


These are the positive and negative approaches of aggressive investors. 


Aggressive investors how to prepare mentally

Aggressive investors how to prepare mentally is the most important one for all investors. Aggressive investors have to face fluctuations in the stock market so psychologically and financially have to prepare always. 


Aggressive investors how to make decisions 

Decision-making is the major part of the stock market especially aggressive investors have to decide which kind of shares they want to buy that’s based on time and price before going buy shares you have to decide how many days you can hold that share. The next one is the price you have to buy your shares at the lowest price and you have to sell that at a higher value. 


How to decide share buy or sell

The aggressive investor has to calculate share value in the net asset value method if that value is lower than your share price you can buy that share if that value is higher, you can sell that share. 



The aggressive investor or enterprise investors have to follow some lessons in their investing journey then you can make more profit from there. If you want to become an aggressive investor you have to take more risks in the market and before going to buy the shares you have to observe the value of the organization and past and present performance of that organization is most important so before going to buy a share observer that organization doesn’t decide on the value of the share. This content I gather from the intelligent investor book by Benjamin graham


  I hope this content you understand well




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