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Business or job which is best for you?

Business or job which is best for you? 

Business or job which is best for you? Why I choose this content because it is most important for every young person so I thought I want to share something about this with you. 

Most people didn’t try to think about the business they considering only the risks of the business and most of the people didn’t encourage the business this is the major problem. Who wants to become a businessman? they should try to overcome the afraid about the business this is the first step for starting a new business. You don’t want to educate for becoming businessman really most rich peoples not educated but they won in their life as a good businessman. Education is not a matter, skills will always influence your business and also life so try to improve your skills first. Become a businessman is an easy thing but you have to work hard for achieving that passion otherwise you can’t become a successful businessman. Every businessman needs good decision-making skills and also leadership skills without these kinds of skills you can’t become a successful businessman. If you want to become a successful in businessman? Then you are requiring some qualities like communication skills, decision making, marketing skills, leadership skills, etc. If you want to become a good employee in your organization you must require some skills like professional email writing, Ms excel, Ms word, etc. these skills are required for every employee of the organization and employee must know how to attend phone calls of their business clients that’s a most important skill for every employee, especially the office employees need this skill. I will explain about business and job end of this blog you have to decide which is good.


How business influence your life


Start from side businesses 

Start from side business which is always good for beginners if you are employees? you have to try to make a small business that’s also security to you. If you have any small business that’s will make you a passive income if that business becomes a success, you can quit your job so side business is always a good thing, try to start some business. 

1.   You are business have to solve a problem

You are business have to solve your problem and also others problem then only you can make it as a business. If you are having any idea about starting a business? That business must solve others' needs and wants that’s the most important thing for business. 

2.Quality service

Business is a service so you have to give quality services to your customers. Business is a competition you have to fight with your competitor so you have to make some innovations otherwise you can’t survive in the market. You have to make a unique style for your business because there is have more chances to copy your business. 


Investment is need for every business this is an actual primary step for starting a business so if you are going to start a business then you need to invest sometime amount but now you can start a business with zero investments through the internet so technology improving day today so try to make a business and passive income from there. 

4.Risks of business

Every business has some kind of risk you can’t avoid that but you can overcome that by using your intelligence. When the person has done their work properly then they can overcome their risks. 


Job how influence in you’re life 


1.   Skills 

Here you are requiring some skills because all employs need a skill like communication skills, writing a professional email, programming skills, MS office operating skills, etc. These skills will always help you in your job. If you are a student? You must improve these skills otherwise you will emberizid in your future.

2.Communication skill 

Communication skill is most important for the business and the job. If you are going for an interview the communication is the most important thing otherwise, you can’t build effective communication with, your interviewer so as an employee must improve this communication skill.


3.Professional email writing skill

if you are an employee in an organization especially the office jobs must require email writing skills. professional email writing is completely different from the normal email because this is using for business purposes so here you have too conscious. 

4.Risk of job

comparing with business here the risk is low but here you need to face work stress and financially you can get a stable salary.




business or job which is best? This is the common doubt of most people’s actually both contain advantage and disadvantage. Here you need to understand tax benefits if you are an employee you need to pay the tax but the businessman gets tax benefits because the businessman has many direct and indirect expenses so the businessman's tax-paying is low compare with employees this is the biggest advantage of the business. My personal opinion is you must work for some organization then only you will get personal experience about the job then you have to start the side business when you make more income from, your business then you can design your job and you can concentrate full time in your business. You have to decide which is best.


               I hope this the content you understand well.

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