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Insurance is how much important for every individual


Insurance is how much important for every individual 

Insurance is how much important for every individual why I choose this content because it is the most important part of financial planning so I thought I want to share something about this with you. Insurance is a security to you is life, the most of peoples didn’t have any idea about the insurance some peoples take the insurance policy without any knowledge about that, this is the common mistake of most people. Insurance is also an important part of financial planning, is the most important thing for every individual. I already posted about financial planning in my blog you can search in the search box of the site. Insurance has many types every insurance plan has different benefits so you have to decide which is apt for you and also, your dependents because mostly in the term insurance you will not get the amount back that’s an investment for, your dependents your spouse, children like that. Insurance, not an investment some people the insurance considering an investment’s insurance as security to you and your dependents so you have to understand the differences. Some peoples take insurance plans without any knowledge about the insurance these kinds of things will trap you because some insurance companies make more scams so you have too conscious here. if you want to build a good financial life? Then you need the financial planning so here the insurance is contributing the financial life. 

Types of insurances

1.   Life insurance 

2.   Motor insurance 

3.   Health insurance

4.   Travel insurance      


Life insurance 

Life-giving assurance for you are life, this life insurance has seven types.

1.Term insurance plan

Term insurance is the type of life insurance after the death the person’s dependents will get the insurance return. This is the nature of this term insurance every family man has to take this policy this is also an investment to your family.

2.Endowment plan

This insurance plan covers death benefits and also maturity benefits.

3.ULIP (unit-linked insurance plan)

ULIP insurance plan covers the death benefits and also mutual fund benefits. 

4.Whole insurance plan 

The whole insurance plan ensuring the whole lifetime of the person this is the nature of this insurance plan. 

5.Child's insurance plan

This insurance plan giving security to the child if the parents of the child when dead the mature amount will get to that child this is the nature of this insurance plan.

6.Money-back insurance plan

After the specific period, the person will get the amount back this is the nature of this insurance plan. 

7.Retirement insurance plan

After retirement the person can claim the amount, this amount can withdraw monthly or lump sum. 


2 Motor insurance 

These insurance plans have three types like own damage, comprehensive, third party insurance these are the three types of insurance plan.

1.   Own damage

This is the type of motor insurance plan in this insurance plan will cover only the own vehicle damage.

2.Third-party insurance plan

This third-party insurance will cover the third-party damages it will not ensure your damage. If you want to take this policy? Then your vehicle must be new. 

3.Comprehensive insurance plan

This comprehensive insurance plan is mixed of the own damage plan and third-party insurance plan. My personal opinion is, this is the best plan compare with your own damage and third-party plan, here the premium amount will high compare with another plan.  


3 Health insurance 

Health insurance is the most important one for every individual it will cover future uncertainties. Here have eight types of insurance plans like individual health insurance, family health insurance, group medical insurance, maternity health insurance, personal accident insurance, senior citizen health insurance, critical illness insurance (it will cover critical illnesses like cancer, diabetes, etc.), and preventive health care insurance. These are the types of insurance (plans you have to choose which correct for you. 


4 Travel insurance

The travel insurance will assure you for travel purposes. Theft chances are high in traveling time so this plan giving security this plan also provides other securities. The travelers can choose this plan it’s very useful for them, here have two types of insurance plan one is domestic and the other one is international. 



Insurance is the most important one for every family and person because this is security to, your life and also, you’re dependents. Most people didn’t have any idea about insurance plans before going to take any policy you have to ask some questions to yourself like why I want to choose this plan, what is the benefit from this plan for me or my dependents? These questions will clarify you then you can make good decisions in your insurance plan. Who the salaried person in the family that person have to take the insurance policy and before choosing any insurance plan you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of the plan? 

You need to analyze something before choosing any plans, analyzing is always good nature so you must analyze the claim settlement ratio and amount settlement ratio because then only you can understand how much the company claiming for their clients. The amount settlement ratio is a must then only you can understand how much amount is given to their clients. Here the amount settlement must above 80%-90% which at least 75% have to give the company. So, you must analyze the company and ensuring the plan well. 


I hope this content you understand well.


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