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How to use your willpower effectively


 How to use your willpower effectively 

How to use your willpower effectively why I choose this content because will power is a crucial thing for the life but most of the peoples have this will power but they didn’t know how that has to use properly or effectively so I thought I want to share some piece of knowledge with you. The will power is limited so you have to use that effectively most of the peoples are didn’t try to use will power for  productive works  this is the major drawback of most of the peoples. will power is not an easy thing because if you have not willpower? Then you will lose many things in your life. will power is the biggest intangible asset because you can’t touch it but you can feel and you can use that for your productivity, time is also another asset in your life, the willpower and time will work for you but before that, you have to work for that these are two things is depends on how you are using them. Time is a limited factor-like willpower so you have to use your time for your productivity. If Do you want to use your time appositely? Then you have to know what is time management and how time management works and also how time management has to be done properly and consistently. Will power and time have relation because for example, if you want to complete any office work or something, there you need will power to do that work and also you have to plan a proper time, so here the will power is depends on time, here I have to say another example sometimes you will procrastinate your work mostly afternoon time, that time automatically your will power will go down because it is human nature but you can overcome that by following some habits. 


How to improve willpower 

How to improve will power this is also one of the doubts of most the peoples, If you want to improve your will power? Then you have to follow some steps and you have to form as the habit.


1.  Try to experiment

 Try to experiment with your willpower this is one of the best ways to improve your willpower. Will power is a limited thing because here I have to explain with one example - Your phone gets a WhatsApp notification when you go read a book then you will check that notification immediately then your willpower will lose there, after that you can’t read a book productively. Here you have to understand that is willpower is limited so you have to decide how you want to use your willpower. Try to experiment with this then only you can find where you are doing mistakes. 

2.  Delegate your work 

Delegate your work if you are an entrepreneur or businessman or anything if you have a lot of works then you can delegate your work to your assistant then you can avoid maximum work stress from there so here you have an advantage that is you can concentrate your important works and also you can use your will power on the high priority works. 

3.  Set your daily goals 

Set your daily goals that is a really good habit that will make some changes to you because once you set a goal for that day then you will focus on that you can use your willpower on that work. 

4.  Try to avoid distractions 

Try to avoid distractions because distractions kill your willpower and time so you have to avoid maximum distractions then only you can improve your willpower well. 

5.  Laziness 

Laziness is another bad habit so you have to try to avoid maximum laziness otherwise it will affect your willpower. When you avoid laziness completely then you can improve your level of willpower. 



How to use your willpower effectively are we discussing here will power is a crucial thing because without willpower you can’t do anything in your life so you have to understand the importance of willpower. If you want to improve your willpower? Then you have to try to follow the above tips that will help you to improve your distractions well. Habits will help you to improve willpower and if you want to make a habit? then that thing has to store in your subconscious mind then you can easily make it a habit and also you can use your willpower effectively. 



This knowledge I gather from Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength  Book by John Tierney and Roy Baumeister.

I hope this content you understand well. 


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