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How to make a great company

How to make a great company  

How to make a great company why I choose this content because which is important knowledge or information has to know every beginner business peoples and entrepreneur so I thought I have to share some piece of knowledge about it. Make a great company which is not an easy thing because the word great contains a lot of hard work so if you want to make your company as great? Then you have to take an action for that, otherwise, that will be always your dream. Most of the brands and companies can say like it is a great company this great word has to come from every customer and also from your competitors. Making a great brand and company is not simple because every one of the companies has to work hard for that achievement then only that can make it a great company. An entrepreneur or businessman always have to work for improving their company and also the company management has to follow a clear path. Every company’s ultimate aim is to make a profit, so the company has to grow then only can make more profit. Every company has to observe their customers because the customers are the king of your business so you have to solve their problems and also you have to improve your company performance because the customer’s expecting something new from your services, so as an entrepreneur or businessman has to know the customer's more important mindset. And another one is reducing costs of your business because this is a strategy of the business you have to reduce your cost of the business maximum, then only the profit can maximize.


Steps to follow to make a great company


1.   The company needs a tiny push

The company needs a tiny push because this is also an important thing to make a great company, so as an entrepreneur, businessman or manager you have to push your company performance. Here the management plays a major role. The technology has to use as a business tool whether you have to use it effectively and also efficiently for improving your company’s performance.

2      Leadership

Leadership is a major important thing to make a great company. Here the leader means a manager of the company, every manager has to be a good leader for their subordinates, the manager has to encourage their employees and also achievement has to share with others, the problems and issues to take it as their own issues then only he can be a good leader.

3      Staffing

Staffing is another important thing to make a great company. Selection is one of the major parts of the business because every company has to select an apt person for that position. Skill is required for every employee of the organization and also that skill has to be useful for the organization. If your company employee is underperformed? Then you have to train him well if he is not satisfied with them you have to shift to next department if he does not satisfy with these two things then you can dismissal from the organisation

4      Face the risk

Face the risk always because this is also a step to make a great company. Every business has a risk so as an entrepreneur or businessman you have to face the risks of your business. The manager can find the problems or issues from their subordinates you can find the solution for their queries.


5      Self-discipline

Self-discipline is important one has to follow top-level management to lower-level management almost every employee of the organisation has to follow the self-discipline like time managing, avoiding laziness, self motivations, etc. as an employee you must follow self-discipline it will make some changes professionally and also personally.





How to make a great company are we discussing here, making a great company is a detailed process that process has to be done properly otherwise it will affect company results. As an entrepreneur, businessman, or manager you have to work hard consistently then only you can expect good results from there. Here I shared a piece of knowledge about how to make a great company this knowledge I gather from GOOD TO GREAT book by Jim c. Collins.


I hope this blog was useful.

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