Cash flow how influence you’re financial status

Cash flow how to influence you’re financial status Cash flow how to influence your financial status. Why I choose this topic because recently I read a book, I gather more pieces of information from there .so I thought I want to share with you something. First of all, you need to understand cash flow. cash flow includes cash inflow and outflow. Cash came into the business is called inflow, cash goes out from the business is called outflow. If you’re a businessman or you’re going to do any business? definitely, you have to know about cash flow. You have to understand some basics about this because your profit and loss depend on this cash flow statement. You can control your unwanted costs from this statement. And also You can understand your company's financial status from this. Cashflow quadrant This content I inspired from Robert Kiyosaki's ‘CASHFLOW QUADRANT’ Book. Here author said about some group of peoples. Here author dividing peoples into four sets of groups...